Saturday, January 16, 2010

various and sundry

For those who have not yet heard: I'm not graduating this semester.

I was initially crushed by the news but thankfully had my regular Monday night out with my friends after meeting with my advisor to discuss the future of my work. While life isn't going exactly as I'd hoped, I know it's going to be ok. And, as always, Monday night was a good time with good people. I tried a few new ones, knowing that Paul was probably catching up by now, and also because I was relaxing and cheering up in the company of good friends. You know?

Full Moon Winter Ale: This made me think of Sam Adam's Winter Lager, only more ale-y and less spice-y. It wasn't bad, but didn't make a particularly remarkable impression on me either. I didn't not enjoy it, but it's not something I need to go out of my way for.

Victory's Old Horizontal: You've heard me rant about Victory before, despite my love of their Storm King. My disappointment continues. At a quick whiff, my friend Gurzo declared that it smelled like cotton candy. The brewer describes it as "A luxurious, warming barleywine rich with aromatic hops and dark, candied fruit character that hides its epic strength masterfully." I would describe it as liquid fruitcake. Gross. I tried this in part because I hadn't before, but also because my friend Jeremy liked it. I can't say I understand why, but apparently he's not alone, because the folks over at seem to be fans. Jeremy also recommended Victory's Prima Pils, but it would have to wait for another night when I wasn't all victoried out.

After that debacle, Gurzo advised me to try Ed Hardy Premium Beer. I had to laugh because it was basically a Mexican lager, which I haven't exactly gone out of my way for since returning from Mexico. This one was particularly tasteless, but Stuff Yer Face is trying to get rid of them, so for $2, I could add another beer to my list.

This was followed by a Stella Artois, which I've definitely had before (in fact, I remember having one with my big brother at the airport before I travelled to the UK). However, it wasn't on the list, and it had been so long, I didn't really remember what it was like... it's all right. Nothing to go crazy about, but something that's light and drinkable.

My total is currently at 179 versus Paul's 173. There have been a few other beers since last time, but I won't bore you with everything. I will mention one more of them though: Raven's Eye Imperial Stout. While generally a fan of the Imperial Stout, this one was a bit sweeter than I'd prefer. I definitely got a strong espresso flavor, which is usually ok, I don't mind strong flavored beers. However, the malts were a bit intense this time. It's a heavy beer, which I also don't generally mind, but I wouldn't rush out for another of these on purpose.

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