Wednesday, January 5, 2011

more from Virginia

Obviously this is a Colleen post. It isn't out of the ordinary for Paul to write about what's going on in Virginia.

I meant to tell you last time about Beer Wars, which Paul recommended a while back. While not quite what I thought it'd be, this was really good and I definitely recommend it. It was all about the ongoing battle between craft breweries and the big guys. I was really surprised to learn just how hard it is for small scale brewers to get their stuff out there. Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head was featured quite a bit, giving me even more appreciation for the unique stuff he's making and getting out there for beer dorks like me.

I'm generally a fan of smaller industries and more local endeavors, so it's no wonder I was more disappointed in the behemoth macrobrews after seeing this. I suspect if you're reading this blog though, you have at least a little love for the little guys out there. Watch the movie!

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